Sunday, September 6, 2020

My Daily Routine 07.09.2020 Monday

My Daily Routine 07.09.2020

My Daily Routine

Hello Friends. How are you guys? You can answer me in comment. 

I hope you guys are well. I am also well. Now, I am going to tell about my today and tomorrow's activities. 

Today, I woke up at 7:00 am. Then, I had fresh myself . After that, I went to a field for jogging. After that, I returned home. Then, I went to cut my hair. I met my friend their. After that, I returned home. Then, I had a bath. After that, I had my lunch at 1:30 pm. Then, I took my laptop and visited some interesting sites on Then, I visited I chatted with my friends. They called me at 4 pm in the field. Then, rain had started suddenly. The rain also stopped after 30 minutes. After that, I went to the field. Some friends came their in time. Some of them was late. Then, We played football for sometimes. Then, we clicked some photos. We enjoyed very much. I met a friend after 6 months. After that, The rain started again. Then, we returned home. Then, I had fresh myself and ate some snacks. After that, I watched TV with my parents. Then, I helped my parents in their work. After that, I had my dinner at 9:45 pm.

Now, I am giving a photo which I clicked in the field.


Now, I am telling about my tomorrow's routine.  Tomorrow I will wake up at 8:00 am. Then, I will fresh myself and have my breakfast. After that, I will study for sometimes. Then, I will watch TV for sometimes. Then, I will have a bath. After that, I will visit some sites in I will chat with my friends. Then, I will go to the field again for playing football. 

Football is my favorite game. It is an international game. It is good for health. It help us to improve our immunity. It is popular all over the world. It is an interesting game. 

After that, I will return home and fresh myself. Then, I will play game in my laptop. Then, I will try to help my parents in their work. After that, I will have my dinner at 9:45 pm. Then, I will watch news in TV with my father.

Sorry friends. I forgot about jokes. Now, I am giving jokes here.


Here I am giving another another joke.

Now, I am coming to the routine.

After that, I will watch some sports information in Then , I will go to sleep at 12:45 am.




  1. No... The second joke have no juice as compared to the first one

    1. SURAJ, Thank you very much for your advise..........I will surely try to give more juicy jokes next time


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